Expat. Roasters & OATSIDE Collaborate on the Biggest Barista Competition in Indonesia

Bali, 1 May 2023 - Specialty coffee producer Expat. Roasters, together with OATSIDE today launched Battle of The Baristas, the largest sustainable plant-based barista competition in Indonesia.
The competition will take place virtually from 15 May - 21 July 2023 and will see hundreds of Indonesian baristas from Sabang to Merauke showcase their skills and creativity and go in the chance to win the largest prize pools ever offered for a coffee competition in Indonesia (total value of more than 100 million Rupiah).
“This competition aims to develop skills and creativity amongst the barista community of Indonesia while at the same time appreciating the big role of baristas in the development of the country's coffee industry,” said Shae Macnamara, Founder and CEO, Expat. Roasters.
“Through our collaboration with OATSIDE, a healthy and sustainable milk alternative, we aim to make this competition accessible for all baristas around the country with a prize pool that could change someone’s life.”
Battle of The Baristas is Indonesia’s most sustainable plant-based barista competition. The raw materials used in this competition are from plants, namely oat milk and coffee beans which do not contain animal elements.
"We are really glad to partner with Expat. Roasters as we have shared values on sustainability and quality. Through this competition, we hope to showcase the versatility and performance of OATSIDE with specialty coffee." said Cindy Lin, Marketing Director of Oatside.
Battle of The Baristas consists of three rounds, where the first round will take place online while the next two rounds will be held in Bali and Surabaya. Registration is from 20 April to 10 May 2023. Baristas from all regions of Indonesia may take part in Battle of The Baristas by first registering at https://expatroasters.com/pages/battleofthebaristas
Selected participants will receive Expat. Roasters coffee and OATSIDE milk sent to each participant's address.
The first round, starting 15 May, participants are asked to make a swan design latte art using Expat. Roasters coffee and OATSIDE milk and then video it with a maximum duration of 1 minute and 20 seconds.
The video then needs to be uploaded to each of their personal Instagram accounts by follow and tagging the accounts @expatroasters, @oatside, and using #BOFTB2023 in the caption. The 16 participants with the highest scores will advance to the semifinals which will take place on 7 July 2023.
The semifinal round will be an exciting battle arena because the 16 semi finalists will have a live performance at Luber Bali, ( Jl. Melasti No.1, Legian, Kuta). Mikael Jasin (Brand Ambassador OATSIDE) will make a guest appearance and discuss in further detail the use of OATSIDE in specialty coffee.
Participants will be challenged to show their creativity in making latte art and signature drinks. The top six participants will advance to the final round which will take place on 21 July 2023 at Expat. Roasters Surabaya.
In this final round, participants will also perform a live performance to mix a signature drink using the ingredients in a mystery box.
The winner will receive the main prize, a La Marzocco Linea Mini coffee machine, trophy, certificate and Expat.Roasters and OATSIDE products with a value of over 100 million Rupiah.
The judges for the competition are Yande J. Wirawan (Brand Ambassador Expat. Roasters), Stefani Chritianti Irawan (Toffin), Vito Adi (Sensa Koffie), Mira Yudhawati (Bon Cafe Indonesia and Certified WBC Sensory Judge & Q Grader), and more judges to be announced.
The Battle of The Baristas, Indonesia’s most sustainable plant-based barista competition is also supported by several sponsors and media partners. Among them are Luber Bali, IIT Coffee Beyond Borders, Sukanda Djaya, Bali Melah Printing, Navaro, Toffin Bali, Nusa Cana Rum, Hatten Wine, La Cimbali, Bon Cafe Indonesia, dan Sensa Koffie (sponsors), Indozone, Kompas TV, Narasi, Narasi Community, NOW!Bali, Jawa Pos Radar Bali, Tempo.co, Young On Top, Hipwee, Exquisite Media, USS FEED, and The Yak (media partners).
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USS Feed :Battle of the Baristas, Kompetisi Barista Terbesar di Indonesia dengan Total Hadiah Terbanyak
NOW Bali : Expat. Roasters and OATSIDE Launch Battle of the Baristas
The Yak : Expat. Roasters & Oatside Collaborate on the Biggest Barista Competition in Indonesia
Tempo.co : Expat. Roasters & OATSIDE Gelar Kompetisi Barista Terbesar di Indonesia
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Young on Top : Expat. Roasters & Oatside Berkolaborasi dalam Kompetisi Barista Terbesar di Indonesia
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